Today started out very sunny, but by lunch it became cloudy. It got chilly enough that I had to close all my windows. We do not usually get days like this.
My amaryllis bulbs are blooming again. Everyone tells me that they only bloom once a year, but I get them to bloom off and on almost continuously. They only take a rest period in November for a month or so. The red ones don't bloom as often as the orange ones. If I keep them well watered and fertilized, they do fabulously. I have a special one blooming right now, a pink striped one.
I have one large bush with blue flowers that blooms almost continuously all year long. I think it is called a plumbago. There were no flowers or bushes when I started renting this house, but now it is very beautiful. I have amaryllis, hibiscus, orchids, plumbago, and several other very pretty bushes that I don't know the name of. I still like to garden. And indoors I have a peach colored Christmas cactus that blooms every year.
Because of all my friends bringing me plants, my place looks like a florist shop sometimes. One friend brings me flower arrangements that she makes in a flower class that she attends. They are beautiful.
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