Monday, January 14, 2013

Sunny Monday

It rained here over the weekend but it is nice and sunny now today. We really needed the rain because everything was so dry. Now I won't have to water my plants for the next week. I have some very pretty flowering plants that people have given me. Two very different and striking hibiscus, several orchids, a tri-colored snow on the mountain bush, a blue plumbago bush, and dozens of amaryllis.

I still have my earache but it only seems to bother me at night when I am trying to sleep. Bob brought me a triangle wedge, so tonight I will try propping myself on that for sleeping. I hope it makes a difference.

The jigsaw puzzle I am working on is all lighthouses. It is difficult but interesting. Every lighthouse is different. I use a small magnifying glass so that I can look for the little differences between the lighthouses.

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