Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

I knew that this weekend was going to be a long one. So I decided that if I kept myself busy that it would pass quicker. So this weekend I did all sorts of things. I cleaned the refrigerator. I mended my clothing and did 2 loads of laundry. I turned the bed mattress around. My pillow were rather flat, so I got the better pillows out of the top closet shelf and exchanged them with the ones on the bed. Outdoors I cut the weeds out of the fence line that were interfering with my flowers. I hosed down the back of the house trying to get rid of the spider webs. I got the dust and dirt washed off but those spider webs are really strong. Even with the hose on jet spray, those webs still survived. I made a pillow for my back for the lounge chair. Cleaned out the freezer. And importantly, I killed a centipede that I found in my bathroom. Probably the most important thing I did this weekend. I rearranged and sorted about 200 of my books. And I did four of the hard  jigsaw puzzles. I didn't have time to read like I usually do. And I cleaned my closets and bureau drawers to see if I could find any clothes that needed mending.

Today is Tuesday and the weekend is over. And I'm tired!!!!!!!!!

Oh I forgot to tell you. I found an anole on my back fence. It was beautiful!!!  It was all green, but when it blew up its throat I could see pretty bright pink. It is the first one that I have seen here. I frequently see geckos and chamelions on my big tree out back. I have a hugh kukui nut tree.

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