Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

I knew that this weekend was going to be a long one. So I decided that if I kept myself busy that it would pass quicker. So this weekend I did all sorts of things. I cleaned the refrigerator. I mended my clothing and did 2 loads of laundry. I turned the bed mattress around. My pillow were rather flat, so I got the better pillows out of the top closet shelf and exchanged them with the ones on the bed. Outdoors I cut the weeds out of the fence line that were interfering with my flowers. I hosed down the back of the house trying to get rid of the spider webs. I got the dust and dirt washed off but those spider webs are really strong. Even with the hose on jet spray, those webs still survived. I made a pillow for my back for the lounge chair. Cleaned out the freezer. And importantly, I killed a centipede that I found in my bathroom. Probably the most important thing I did this weekend. I rearranged and sorted about 200 of my books. And I did four of the hard  jigsaw puzzles. I didn't have time to read like I usually do. And I cleaned my closets and bureau drawers to see if I could find any clothes that needed mending.

Today is Tuesday and the weekend is over. And I'm tired!!!!!!!!!

Oh I forgot to tell you. I found an anole on my back fence. It was beautiful!!!  It was all green, but when it blew up its throat I could see pretty bright pink. It is the first one that I have seen here. I frequently see geckos and chamelions on my big tree out back. I have a hugh kukui nut tree.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Now a subscribe feature

Sue said that she put a subscriber/follow by email button on the blog page. She said that if you type in your email address and follow the short instructions that you can now have my blog entry delivered to you via your email. I don't know how this works but Sue said it is simple. It is suppose to be like I am sending an email to everyone at once. I hope it works ok for you.


I visited the community garden

This Monday I went to the community garden to see what it looked like. I met many of the volunteers there that day although Alice, my friend, wasn't there this time. But Sue Jennings was there and I know her.

I made a cake and took it. Everybody eats lunch together there when they are finished working. Almost all of the food comes out of the garden for the lunch. This week they had a vegetable soup, bok choy stir fry, friend sweet potatoes, sauteed green beans, beets, and egg salad.

I spent most of the morning talking with the women who were working in the greenhouse. They were planting seeds and transplanting little seedlings into bigger pots.

Here I am digging a little in the garden. I didn't do much. But now I can say that I worked in the community garden !